Basic Greetings and Responses
Below are the phonetic pronunciations for popular Modern Greek conversation language phrases for travel, with English translations:
- Hello and Good-bye: Γειά σου / Γειά σας (Ya-sou for one person, Ya-sas for more than one person)
- Good Morning: Καλημέρα (Ka-li-me-ra)
- Good Night: Καληνύχτα (Ka-li-nich-ta)
- Please, You are welcome, Excuse me: Παρακαλώ (Pa-ra-ka-lo)
- Thank you: Ευχαριστώ (Ef-ha-risto)
- Thank you very much: Ευχαριστώ παρα πολύ (Sas Ef-ha-ris-to pa-ra po-li)
Sample Audio Lesson: Thank You
- Yes: Μάλιστα (maa-lee-staa)
- Ya (slang): Ναι (Ney)
- No: Όχι (O-xi - soft x)
- Okay: Εντάξει (En-tah-xi)
Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday
- Today: Σήμερα (See-me-ra)
- Tomorrow: Αύριο (Av-ri-o)
- Yesterday: Χθες (H-thes)
Learn More Phrases
- Basic Greetings and Responses
- Conversation Travel Phrases
- Food and Drink
- Greek Desserts
- Transportation